
Adults have ample faith formation, fellowship, and service opportunities at Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church.

Christian Education - Faith Formation

Sundays at 9:45 AM, September - May
  • Seekers Class meets in the Geneva Room (within the Sanctuary near the Sanctuary front doors).
  • Faith Alive meets in the Westminster Room (within the Sanctuary near the choir loft). This is a discussion group using a variety of texts, contemporary writings along with Biblical teachings, to see ways to apply Biblical lessons to daily lives.
  • Berean Bible Study meets in the Bethel Library off of the Family Room. This is a Bible study in a theme-related approach.
Sundays at 9:00 AM, June - August
  • Seekers Class meets in the Geneva Room (within the Sanctuary near the Sanctuary front doors).
  • Berean Bible Study meets in the Bethel Library off of the Family Room. This is a Bible study in a theme-related approach.

Fellowship - Personnal Connections

  • Divine Diners: Meet monthly during designated months in small groups at a member's home or a restaurant for dinner, fellowship and good conversation.
  • Middle-r Group: Composed of 40-50 year olds who meet once a month for dinner.
  • KeenAgers: 50+ year olds who meet the 4th Thursday of the month at 11:30 am. for lunch at restaurants in the greater church neighborhood. Often we a speaker on a topic the group is interested in.
  • Chain Gang: Meets monthly to ride bikes along one of the many trails in and around San Antonio.
  • Bunco: Holy Trinity has 2 Bunco groups. One group meets the 3rd Friday of each month. The other group meets on the 2nd Tuesday. Try both groups because no two gatherings are alike!
  • Afternoon Bridge for Senior Citizens: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. in the Bethel Library. To participate - just show up!

Service - Serving Others

  • Stephen Ministry: Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church is a "Stephen Ministry Congregation". We have 15+ trained caregivers who come alongside hurting people to listen, care, encourage, pray, and provide emotional & spiritual support. All our caregivers are trained by the national Stephen Minisry program to provide excellent 1-on-1 peer support.
  • Caregiving Cluster: Caregiving is an essential element of the Holy Trinity mission. The Holy Trinity family is organized into geographic cluster. Two volunteers serve each cluster by stayng in touch with families by phone or mail. Information is shared both ways, and families can pass along news about family happiness or sadness to the Cluster Caregiver.
  • Worship Services: Join one of our choirs (see Music Ministries page), count offering, usher, serve as liturgist or as officer of the day.
  • Ministry Team Work: Like to work on a building, in the yard, teaching, organizing, planning, communicating? There are those opportunities and more.

Other Family Fellowship Activities scheduled throughout the Year

  • Church-wide Congregational Dinners 
  • The Annual Chili Cook-Off during Rodeo Season
  • The End-of-Summer Party
  • Church-wide Picnic
  • Our Easter Celebration
  • Walk to Emmaus Gatherings and Dinners
  • Wednesday Night Dinners during Lent
  • Youth Activities
  • and the Church Christmas Party