

Building strong bonds and fostering spiritual growth among men.

Men's Lunch

Our Men's Lunch Group meets the 3rd Monday of each month. We try new restaurants, exchange news, and tell jokes. If you have questions, dial Mat Geng at (210) 650-0888 and show up for the carpool from the church at 11:50 AM.

Men's Walk to Emmaus

The Walk to Emmaus is a Christian retreat experience and movement, focused on spiritual renewal within existing communities of faith. "The Resurrection Story, told in Luke 24:13-35 describes the Walk to Emmaus encounter. With this theme for the weekend, faith is re-explained, grace is experienced, Christian community is realized, and the Body of Christ is renewed through revitalization of church members' commitment to Christ" -Upper Room Handbook on Emmaus.

The Holy Trinity Emmaus Community is part of Diakonia Emmaus San Antonio. This is an ecumenical group of churches and denominations who cooperate to organize non-denominational Walks to Emmaus retreats designed to develop healthy church members and leaders. Visit the Diakonia Emmaus San Antonio website for additional information, Walk dates, and locations of monthly Gatherings you are invited to attend:

There are a number of Emmaus Reunion Groups at Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church.